Entry #3 My Literacy Path


Growing up, I had many influences on my early years of literacy development. I added photos of my parents and brother because growing up, my parents would always read to us, mostly before bedtime. I would specifically request Winnie the Pooh, and my parents still have the exact book above to this day, which I plan to pass down to my own children in hopes of developing their literacy at an early age as well. 

I also grew up watching a lot of PBS shows, like Arthur specifically, so I added that into my collage. 

Lastly, I added a photo of my grandfather reading to my brother and I, which is a core memory for me. We called him “Pops,” so naturally one of my favorite books to read was Dr. Seuss’ Hop on Pop, because I recognized the name on the front of the book at such an early age, and I thought that was just the “coolest thing, that he had his own book!” I miss my grandpa, so having great memories like these are so important to look back on for me. 



  1. This is a WONDERFUL collection of family influencers as well as those from pop culture. I particularly appreciated your memory of your grandpa -- Pop!


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